Wednesday, December 28, 2011

EveryDay Devotion Note 1

Unconditional Love
Love is always going to be shaped by our unique perspective.  That is the lesson of unconditional love.  That everyone, as a unique expression of God’s love, loves everyone else at the level they are at right now.  Even someone who on the earthly level appears to hate you, you can choose to shine your love on them and perceive that at their core they also love you, because we are all expressions of the one love.  It is amazing how the silent recognition of love, even when someone is yelling at you, can resolve a tough situation.

Deepak Chopra offers a simple way to do this in his book, “The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire.”  I have playfully renamed it “The Namaste Eye Game” and modified it slightly.  Every time I encounter anyone, I try to remember to look them in the eye and silently say, “Namaste.”  Namaste is a sanskrit word of salutation that means something akin to “I bow to the divinity in you.”  It is a way of recognizing the divinity in another person.  You can substitute the word, “love” if Sanskrit does not speak to you.  The important point is to take a moment and recognize the other person on a deeper level.  Do this with the store clerk, the person you walk by at the park, your husband, boss, secretary, mother, and everyone you encounter all day long.  If you pass someone by and realize you forgot to “Namaste-eye” them, you can bring up a visual image of their eyes and say Namaste even after you have left them.  When I started doing this, I was amazed by the results.  Strangers went out of their way to help me and offer assistance.  Do this exercise and see whether or not you start to perceive people on a deeper level all day long.  What we believe, we see.  If we start to believe that everyone is divine, then we will see divinity everywhere we look. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

devotion everyday

I devote this day to you.
Help me not to crave physical affection,
but instead to see that love is service,
that it is unconditional,
and that by serving and giving unconditional love,
I will in turn receive unconditional love.
Help me to be happy exactly where I am,
and to see the truth of my desires,
while relinquishing attachment to their form of fulfillment.