Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A New Creed

·         I believe in the law of cause and effect; karma.
·         I believe that our thoughts control our reality.
·         I believe that when I ask Kali for something, the law of karma goes into action.  What I ask for will always be provided to me, though not always in the form I imagined.  Often that which I ask for comes in a form that is even better than I imagined.  Detachment from the ultimate form is the key.
·         I believe that by focusing my thoughts on Love, I attract Love into my life.
·         I believe that presence is the key to bringing awareness to my thoughts, so that I am aware of and can choose the karma I am creating.
·         I believe that everything appearing in my life right now is the result of some past thought; either my individual thought or a collective thought.
·         I believe that when I ask for guidance from Kali, the Divine Masters or angels, it is right there.
·         I believe that gratitude for the things I have fosters gifts of love and appreciation in return.
·         I believe that shifting the energy of my thoughts immediately shifts my reality; such that other beings instantly, whether consciously or unconsciously, recognize and react to the shift.

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